Monday, July 27, 2015

Child of sorrow

A Child of Sorrow
  by Zoilo Galang

Historical-Biographical Analysis of Child of Sorrow


 Zoilo Galang was born on June 27, 1895 in Bacolor, Pampanga. He spent most of his young life in their town known as the hometown of famed writers and artists.He was the first Filipino novelist who use English as a medium. He graduated from Bacolor Elementary School and he was also a product of Escuela de Derecho, a prestigious law school in the country, where he graduated in 1919. He also took up special courses at the University of the Philippines in 1925, then went to Columbia University for further studies. After which, he started writing. his works were included in a Kapampangan paper- "E Mangabiran". He was also the author of the first English novel written by a Filipino- "A Child of Sorrow", which was also made into a movie later in 1930. Some of his outstanding works include "Nadia", "ForDreams Must Die", "Springtime", "Leaders of the Philippines", "Glimpses of the World", "Life and Success", "Master of Destiny", "Unisophy", and "Barrio Life".

The novel is the depiction of the life of Lucio Soliman- the main male protagonist. He went to Merry Town for a vacation with his friend Camilo. It is said to be governed by a corrupt governor, Governor Pancho Ismael. There, he met Rosa- the prettiest woman in that town. Rosa was said to have no father but inspite of that, Lucio fell deeply in love with her. And so did she.
When Lucio came back to his own town- Fertile Valley, they continually keep in touch with each other through letters. And though  Lucio became busy running their established organization named "The Rising Generation", he never forgot to write to Rosa. They met in several occasions also and nothing ever changes with their feelings.
However one day, a news break out that Rosa was getting married to Oscar- who happened to be a friend of Lucio also and the one who raped Rosa. He was extremely saddened by the thought of not having her to spend the rest of his lifetime anymore. But he continued his life and devoted his time in his works. It was then that Governor Ismael was revealed to be the father of Rosa.
On the other hand, his father died also. He was pained, really pained by all the horrible events that were continually torturing him. But still, he never gave up. On the last part, he found out that Rosa was extremely ill and that she was suffering for a very long time, He hurried to her and found out that she still loves him, and she died in his arms.

Biographical Analysis

This novel depicts the life of Zoilo Galang. The simple life of Lucio in the countryside depicts his life in Bacolor, Pampanga. The author's ideals and aspirations were also portrayed by the protagonist of the novel. It was perfectly expressed in some scenes of the novel how the author abhor Governor Ismael's regime which represents commonwealth governance during his time.

Historical Analysis 

During the time Galang wrote this novel, American government only appoint those they think are qualified to rule the town. This was depicted in his novel wherein Pancho Ismael, the ill-mannered governor was elected only because he threatened the workers in his land.   

It was also believed that Governor Ismael is Governor Honorio Ventura in real life who ruled Pampanga from 1916 to 1922.

This novel mirrored not only what was happening in the past but it also help us understand  what had inspired Galang to write such beautiful piece of art.


The novel does not only inspired us but it also touched the very core of our emotional realm. It is indeed a collection of works of great minds. It made us understand that along with the joy that we are feeling, there comes a time that we will be experiencing the other side of it too, which is the sorrow. The novel reminds us that it is just okay to sometimes feel bitterness as we stumble through life's challenges for it is how we deal with the fall that counts. The novel gives us so much to ponder upon, lessons that we may be needing in trudging the future's path of uncertainties. 

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