Monday, July 27, 2015

The Lady and her Five Suitors

The Lady and her Five Suitors
  by Arabian Nights

An Analysis using Mimetic Approach

   In the story The lady and her Five Suitors, it was very evident that the main character who is the wife of the merchant, was very witty. She came up with a very tricky plan to lure the four most influential people in their town plus the unsuspected carpenter. This scene is also very evident in real life wherein a person is willing to do anything just to be with the person he or she loves.

Moreover, the scene in the story wherein the wife cheated her husband is very realistic especially to those married couple wherein the other half is always away especially for work-related reasons. In the story, the woman eloped with her lover after setting him free from prison simply because women generally, need assurance and stability from a man basically the main reason why so many long distance relationships have failed. No matter how independent a woman can be, at the end of the day she still needs a man to go home to.

On the other hand, men in general, easily get attracted with the woman's physical beauty. It was depicted in the scene from the story wherein influential men were attracted easily by the merchant's wife not knowing that, that beauty was only used as a bait for them.

The story entails us that getting fooled by a woman's beauty didn't only happen before but is still happening now at the present. It is rampant in the society led mainly with male chauvinism.


  1. Thankyou for this. I will use this for my homework. Thankyou

  2. You really made a point, amazing!
